About Algae

Algae is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin that grow in water by absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen as a byproduct. The benefits of algae can range from oils to food but was limited because of an inefficient harvesting. At the time, the current solution was to use large open ponds, but lead to limited daylight hours, contaminated /evaporated water, land consumption, temperature and weather. PHYCO2 was formed to focus on capturing CO2 from power plants but noticed an opportunity to reduce carbon emissions and produce a valuable product by converting CO2 into algae. PHYCO2 began to harness the natural power of algae more productively by designing a proprietary enclosed photo bioreactor (RPB) to produce high quality algae faster, cleaner, and more consistently. PHYCO2 designed this innovative system with a different set of guidelines. Our goal is to achieve a scalable, continuous production and operation all independent of location, sunlight, and space. The original RPB is designed under patents (US Patent #8,476,067 B2, Canada Patent #2,712,862), but PHYCO2 has created the next generation of systems even more effective and efficient (Patent pending)


The global market for algae sales is large and growing with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2% and a market size of 804M. In Japan, China, US and Europe the market is established for algae-based products for food and nutritional supplements. Globally, the uses for algae include food, food supplements, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, bio-stimulants, bio-insecticides/pesticides, biofuels, biopolymers, and other chemical feedstock applications. Because of the large and growing uses for algae, we believe algae demand will increase.

Another market for algae is human consumption via cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and nutrition. Several species of algae are currently sold in health food stores as a nutritional supplement (e.g., Spirulina). Algae can be found in health drinks and infant formula because it’s packed with protein and can be used as an alternative to fish oil. PHYCO2 high purity algae is ideal for human consumption.